Dream Foundation offers Marcy her dream family trip

Don and Marcy Ornales, Kenny Slaught: Dream Foundation’s Board Chair and Eva Rhodes Board Member. Photo by Patricia Schallert
On March 28, Ventura local Marcy Ornelas, her husband Donald and their fourteen-year-old daughter, Shoshanna were off to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveand, Ohio, on a final dream family trip thanks to the Dream Foundation, the only national dream-granting organization for terminally-ill adults.
Music has always been a positive constant in Marcy’s life. “I can leave somewhere in a terrible mood, put my radio on as I drive, and after a few songs, my stress melts off and I can go home feeling good and can be a better wife and mother. Music has always been there for me.”
Rock & Roll is Marcy’s favorite. She is often up late at night watching one of her favorite concerts and even falls asleep to the comforting sounds of the guitar and snare drum. While Marcy doesn’t sing or play and instrument, she always tells people that she “plays a mean radio”.
Diagnosed with end-stage breast cancer that has recently spread to her organs, Marcy asked the Dream Foundation to help with a special family trip to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio. Donald and Shoshanna will join Marcy on a train trip from Ventura, California to Cleveland, Ohio.
“I love trains. You can look at each other face to face, play games and talk.” The Dream Foundation also gave Marcy and her family a basket full of goodies for the train and they have dinners available while they travel.
Hosts from AirBnB have generously donated a two-night stay in the city for the family and the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame will welcomed the family on April 6. It was a day which will inevitable create memories that will last a lifetime for the family.
Kenny Slaught, Dream Foundation’s Board Chair and Eva Rhodes, one of the foundation’s newest Board Members hosted the Dream Delivery on March 28 at Marcy’s home in Ventura to celebrate her life and presented her everything for the family’s trip, including a rental car, a scooter while at the Hall of Fame, t-shirts, snacks for the train and dark chocolate.
The Dream Foundation, the only national dream-granting organization for terminally-ill adults fulfills final dreams that provide inspiration, comfort and closure at the end of life. With the support of a nationwide network of volunteers, hospices, health care organizations and committed donors.
Dream Foundation has given life to more than 33,000 final dreams since being founded in 1994. Dream Foundation receives no state or federal funding and relies solely on private donations. To support the mission of the Dream Foundation, please visit DreamFoundation.org/donate.